In this Chapter, we look at Organizing Subprocesses. In particular, we show how to use Process Libraries to organize subprocess documents, samples, EHBs, tools, managements, and improvements across single amd multiple organizations. In Section 3.1, we outline the binders or data produced. In Section 3.2, we outline the roles. In Section 3.3, we outline the steps of the subprocess. In Section 3.4, we outline the files of the subprocess. In Sections 3.5 thru 3.10, we examine many of these steps in more detail. In Section 3.11, we outline some sample Process Libraries. The subprocesses described in Chapters 2 - 7 strongly interact and iterate with one another.
We outiine here the key web items or binders that result from the Organizing Subprocesses subprocess. These will be described in more detail further in the chapter.
Process Libraries are web tools used to organize all of the documentation of specific processes. See Figure 3.1 (a). This is a Process Library for organizing the documentation of the NASA SBIR Electronic Handbooks system. A Process Libraries also contains outlines of the scope of the organization's EHBs development and are comprised of several elements:
- Subprocess Libraries organize subprocess tools. See Figure 3.1 (b). These are Subprocess Libraries for product realization subprocesses of the NASA SBIR Electronic Handbooks system.
- View Tools show how organizations view their subprocesses. See Figure 3.1 (c) This is a View Tool for collecting the ways in which the ten NASA Field Centers view the Integrated Problem/Solution Database subprocess of the NASA SBIR Electronic Handbooks system. View Tools contain:
- Description, which summarizes subprocess execution. See Figure 3.1 (d). This is a Description for describing how an organization views the NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout subprocess.
- Plays describe subprocess execution. See Figure 3.1 (e). This is a Play/Process Tool for describing how an organization views the NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout subprocess.
- Documents which describe subprocesses data. See Figure 3.1 (f). This is a Document List for describing how an organization views the NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout subprocess.
- Guidelines document an organization Roles. See Figure 3.1 (g). This is a Guidelines List for describing how an organization views the NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout subprocess roles.
- Integration Tools facilitate view integration. See Figure 3.1 (h). This is a part of a Integration Tool for integrating all of the documents for the NASA SBIR Electronic Handbooks system..
- Electronic Handbooks (EHBs), which facilitate the execution of subprocesses. See Figure 3.1 (i). This is an Electronic Handbook for an Advisor role for the NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout subprocess.
- Improvement Tools facilitate overall process improvement. See Figure 3.1 (j). This is an Improvement Tool for improving the NASA SBIR Electronic Handbooks system.
- Requirements Capture Tools (RCTs), which facilitate view integration. See Figure 3.1 (k). This is a Requirements Capture Tool for integrating all of the views for the NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout subprocess.
1. Browse around the links on the EHBs home page
Figure 3.1 (a) NASA SBIR Process Library.
Figure 3.1 (b). NASA SBIR Product Realization Subprocesses.
Figure 3.1 (c). NASA SBIR View Tools.
Figure 3.1 (d). NASA SBIR Description.
Figure 3.1 (e). NASA SBIR Play.
Figure 3.1 (f). NASA SBIR Subprocess Documents.
Figure 3.1 (g). NASA SBIR
Subprocess Guidelines.
Figure 3.1 (h). NASA SBIR Integration Tool.
Figure 3.1 (i). NASA SBIR Electronic Handbooks (EHB).
Figure 3.1 (j). NASA SBIR ISO 9001:2000 Improvement Tool.
Figure 3.1 (k). NASA SBIR Requirements Capture Tool (RCT).
We look at some of the types of roles in the Organizing Subprocesses subprocess.
Organizing Process Library Lead. This is the chief player who manages the Organizing Subprocesses Subprocesses .
Developer. This is the player who helps develop the Process Library and its components.
Demonstrator. This is the player who peforms most of the steps in Demonstrating EHBs. During this subprocess, the Demonstator reads the Suggestions forms to make changes to the Demonstration Tool and its components.
Customer. This is the chief player for which the Demonstration Tool is built. He or she is the one with the money for development. During this subprocess, the Customer uses the Suggestions form to make suggestions on changing the Demonstration Tool and its components.
User. This is a player for which the Demonstration Tool is also demonstrated. During this subprocess, the User also uses the Suggestions form to make suggestions on changing the Demonstration Tool and its components.
1. Browse around the home White Paper link on the EHBs home page
We outline here, the Organizing Processes subprocess. The key steps form the major part of the rest of this chapter.
Creating an Initial Process Library. This task involves the developer who copies a similar Process Library on a database and local computer and a server. This gives a template of all of the records and files from which modifications described below can be performed. (See Section 3.5.)
Updating Subprocesses. This task involves the developer and customer who insert database records corresponding to the initial Product Development, Product Distribution, Support and Improvement subprocesses into the Process Library. (See Section 3.6.)
Updating Requirement Capture Tools. This task involves the developer and customer who creates place holder files for RCTs corresponding to the initial Organization Views in the initial Development, Product Distribution, Support and Improvement subprocesses into the Process Library. (See Section 3.8.)
Updating Document Libraries. This task involves the developer and customer who insert database records corresponding to the initial Document Libraries in the initial Development, Product Distribution, Support and Improvement subprocesses into the Process Library. (See Section 3.9.)Updating Checklists. This task involves the developer and customer who insert database records corresponding to the initial Checklists for organzations in the initial Development, Product Distribution, Support and Improvement subprocesses into the Process Library. (See Section 3.10.)
Updating the Demonstration Tool. The task involves the developer and customer who update the links in the demonstration tool to point to the items in the Process Library and also have the Process Library point to the Demonstration Tool. (See Section 3.11.)
We look at some of the types of files used in Organizing Subprocesses. See Figure 3.2 (a) - (d). These represent the files for the NASA SBIR Process.
Figure 3.2 (a). NASA SBIR Process Library (PL) files.
Figure 3.2 (b). NASA SBIR Requirements Capture Tools (RCTs) files.
Figure 3.2 (c). NASA SBIR Product Realization Subprocesses (PRSs) files.
Figure 3.2 (d). NASA SBIR Contract Administration and Closeout RCT files.
We discuss here how to create an initial Process Library. The rest of the chapter is devoted to updating the content of the tool .
Problem. Create an initial NASA SBIR Process Library.
1. Create Initial Local Process Library Files. Create a subdirectory on your local computer, called SBIR, on your local computer and under it three subdirectories- Demonstration Tool, Requirements Capture Tools, and Improvement Tools. See Figure 3.2 (a)-(d).
2. Create Initial Server Process Library Files. Create a subdirectory, called SBIR, on your server computer and under it under it three subdirectories- Demonstration Tool, Requirements Capture Tools, and Improvement Tools.
3. Copy Current Demonstration Tool Files. Under the local and server subdirectories, called SBIR, make sure that your have the current versions of the Demonstration Tool developed in Chapter 2. Browse the local and server SBIR Demonstration Tools in a web browser. See Chapter 2, Figure 2.2 (b).
4. Create Initial Process Library Database. Copy the Process Library database definition zip file from Appendix A1 and unzip it into the local Process Library subdirectory. Use it to create in the database management system on the server an instance of a database called SBIR. Browse the initial SBIR Process Library in a web browser.
1. Follow the above steps to create a new NASA SBIR Process Library.
2. Follow the above steps to create a new Process Library for your organization.
We discuss here how to create new Subprocesses in the Process Library .
Problem. Build Subprocesses in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
1. Create Subprocess Library Records on Database Server. Create subprocess records in the NASA SBIR Process Library based on the subprocesses named in the Subprocess Matrix created in Section 2.6 of Chapter 2. See Figures 3.3 and 3.1 (b). Browse the NASA SBIR Process Library on your server computer in a web browser.
1. Follow the above steps to build Subprocesses in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
2. Follow the above steps to build Subprocesses in your organization's Process Library.
Figure 3.3 . NASA SBIR Process Matrix File.
We discuss here how to create new Requirement Capture Tools in the Process Library .
Problem. Create Requirements Capture Tool in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
1. Edit Local Requirement Capture Tools Files . Create local Requirement Capture Tools subdirectories in the NASA SBIR Process Library based on the subprocesses named in the Subprocess Matrix. See Figures 3.2 (b)- (d). Browse the NASA SBIR Process Library on your local computer in a web browser.
2. Copy Local Requirement Capture Tools Files To Server . Copy local Requirement Capture Tools subdirectories in the NASA SBIR Process Library to the server. Browse the NASA SBIR Process Library on your server computer in a web browser.
3. Create Requirement Capture Tools Records on Database Server. Create Requirement Capture Tools records in the NASA SBIR Process Library and have them link to the Requirement Capture Tools created in step 2.. See Figures 3.1 (b) and (g). Browse the NASA SBIR Process Library on your server computer in a web browser.
1. Follow the above steps to build Requirement Capture Tools in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
2. Follow the above steps to build Requirement Capture Tools in your organization's Process Library.
We discuss here how to create new Document Libraries in the Process Library .
Problem. Create Document Libraries in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
1. Create Document Library Records on Database Server. Create Document Library records in the NASA SBIR Process Library. See Figures 3.1 (b) and (h). Browse the NASA SBIR Process Library on your server computer in a web browser.
1. Follow the above steps to build Document Libraries in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
2. Follow the above steps to build Document Libraries in your organization's Process Library.
We discuss here how to create new Checklists in the Process Library .
Problem. Create Checklists in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
1. Create Checklists Library Records on Database Server. Create Checklist Library records in the NASA SBIR Process Library. See Figures 3.1 (b) and (i). Browse the NASA SBIR Process Library on your server computer in a web browser.
1. Follow the above steps to build Checklists in the NASA SBIR Process Library.
2. Follow the above steps to build Checklists in your organization's Process Library.
We show here how to update the Demonstration Tool by making sure that the links in the What are EHBs? page point to the items in the Process Library developed in this Chapter. See Figure 3.4.
Problem. Update the NASA SBIR Demonstration Tool..
1. Edit Local What are EHBs? File. Make sure that the links in the What are EHBs? index.html page are pointing so that the links point to the items in the Process Library developed in the problems in this Chapter. Browse the local What are EHBs? file in a web browser.
2. Copy Local What are EHBs? File To Server . Copy the local What are EHBs? file to the server. Browse the server What are EHBs? file in a web browser.
1. Follow the above steps to update the NASA SBIR Demonstration Tool
2. Follow the above steps to update your organization's Demonstration Tool
Figure 3.4. NASA SBIR ISO 9001:2000 Improvement Tool Page.
We look at some samples of Process Library Organizations.
NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Contracts. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs manage contracts to small businesses for the purpose of developing technologies that NASA could use and that could also be commercialized by the small businesses. The product realization subprocesses include: Solicitation Development, Phase I Proposal Submissions, Phase I Review and Selection, Phase I Contract Negotiations and Award, Phase I Contract Administration and Closeout, Phase II Proposal Submission, Phase II Review and Selection, Phase II Contract Negotiations and Award, Phase II Contract Administration and Closeout, Phase III Awards, and Commercialization and Post-Award Processes.
NASA's Data Management- Data . The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Technology Inventory manages an inventory of all NASA developed technologies. The product realization subprocesses include: Active/Permanent Archive Solicitation Development , Producer-Archive Interfaces, Production and Preservation, and Customer-Archive Interfaces .
NASA's Technologies- Technologies. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Technology Inventory manages an inventory of all NASA developed technologies. The product realization subprocesses include: Solicitation Development, Proposal Submissions, Review and Selection, Negotiations and Award, Award Administration and Closeout, and Post-Award Processes.
NASA's Research - Grants. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Grants programs manage grants for the purpose of developing research that NASA missions could use. The product realization subprocesses include: Solicitation Development, Proposal Submissions, Review and Selection, Negotiations and Award, Award Administration and Closeout, and Post-Award Processes.
NASA's Flight Projects- Flight Projects . The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Grants programs manage flight projects for missions . The product realization subprocesses include: Pre-Phase A: Project Concept Studies , Phase A: Project Preliminary Analysis , Phase B: Project Definition , Phase C: Project Design , Phase D: Project Development , Phase E: Project Operations , and Phase F: Project Disposal .
NASA's Educational Program Data Collection and Evaluation Program (EDCATs) - Program Evaluations. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Educational Program Data Collection and Evaluation Program (EDCATs) program manage evaluation data for NASA sponsored education programs. The product realization subprocesses include: Solicitation Development, Proposal Submissions, Review and Selection, Contract Negotiations and Award, Contract Administration and Closeout, and Post-Award Processes.
NASA's Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) - Contracts. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) programs manage contracts for the purpose of developing technologies that NASA's Earth Sciences missions could use. The product realization subprocesses include: Solicitation Development, Proposal Submissions, Review and Selection, Contract Negotiations and Award, Contract Administration and Closeout, and Post-Award Processes.
A number of sample Requirements Capture Tools can be in found in:
Requirements Capture Tools (RCTs) link on the EHBs home page