Justice Department to Use Internet to Help Protect Officers
WASHINGTON, April 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Beginning last Friday, a new Internet-based system will help states, local jurisdictions and Indian tribes obtain bullet-resistant vests for their public safety officers. Vice President Al Gore announced Friday the new system which the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) will utilize to distribute $25 million to jurisdictions nationwide. "Making this program available over the Internet will enable us to reach more communities and help protect more law enforcement officers than ever before," said Attorney General Janet Reno. BJA, which is part of DOJ's Office of Justice Programs (OJP), has identified more than 80,000 public safety agencies in approximately 30,000 jurisdictions that qualify to buy the vests. Each jurisdiction may purchase one vest per officer per year and the BJA program will cover half the cost of each vest. "This program represents a landmark accomplishment for OJP," said OJP Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson. "We are proud to employ this state-of-the-art technology to better protect those charged with providing public safety." According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police/DuPont Kevlar Survivors Club -- which keeps statistics on officers who escape harm because of a bullet-resistant vest and encourages officers to wear vests -- more than 2,325 officers have been saved from injury or death by a vest. Additionally, the organization estimates that 42 percent of the officers who died from a felonious gun shot over the past 16 years would have survived the fatal bullet had they been wearing a vest. "Individuals who risk their lives to ensure our protection deserve fast and efficient access to equipment designed to protect them," said BJA Director Nancy Gist. "This Internet system will allow BJA to get funds where they need to go quicker and, ultimately, save lives." The entire process is paperless and all information provided by the jurisdictions purchasing vests is transmitted via the Internet. BJA has designed the system so that a law enforcement agency or the CEO of any jurisdiction may gain access from any computer any time of day. The system has been secured by measures much like those employed by online services that provide stock and other purchases via the Internet. BJA has also established a help desk accessible through a toll-free number to help agencies ordering vests navigate the system. Jurisdictions that encounter difficulty accessing the Internet system may call 1-877-75-VESTS for assistance. Through the Internet system, agencies with personnel eligible for vests can browse vest models and get information on them through the system. Participants can also share information about such matters as pricing, particular features of various models and purchase experiences. All of the vests available through the program have been voluntarily submitted for testing to the National Institute of Justice and meet or exceed NIJ's standard for effectiveness. The program was authorized by the Bulletproof Vest Grant Partnership Act of 1998, which President Clinton signed into law at a Rose Garden Ceremony on June 16, 1998. The legislation was the result of a bipartisan effort in both the House and Senate and authorizes $25 million for Fiscal Years 1999 through 2001. The following are Web sites about the program and agencies involved: Bulletproof Vests: http://vests.ojp.gov/. BJA: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA. OJP: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/. Justice Technology Information Center: http://www.justnet.org/Pages/home.aspx. For additional information about the bulletproof vest initiative, contact Doug Johnson at 202-307-0703. * OJP and its component agencies' press releases are available for use without restriction. BJA99065 SOURCE Bureau of Justice AssistanceCONTACT: BJA, 202-307-0703; After Hours Contact: Doug Johnson,
pager: 888-491-4487