Presentation & Paper/Marketing. The approach supports presentation & paper/marketing using the contents of Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Worksheet/Outlining. The approach supports worksheet/outlining using the drafting of Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Temporal Flow/Playwriting. The approach supports temporal flow/playwriting using the drafting of Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Examples/Rehearsal. The approach supports examples/rehearsals using the mockups of Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Implementation/Staging. The approach supports implementation/staging using the building of Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Utilization/Performance. The approach supports users utilization/performance using execution of Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Revision/New Production. The approach supports revision/new production using updates of the Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.
Closeout/End Production. The approach supports closeout/ end performance using storage of the Descriptions, Plays, Documents, Guidelines, Worksheets, Contacts, References, and Credits.